Pair-wise Preferences Comparison

Data instances from Reddit:TLDR dataset. Human preference factors are shown under each summaries. Same factors between summaries will be marked using the same color. Human preferred summary will have (Preferred) label in title.


My [24 M] girlfriend's [21 F] jealousy is getting out of hand.

ref (Preferred)

My girlfriend went behind my back to try and control who I'm friends with. Should I break it off or give her another chance?

len-tk-short len-ch-short style-aligned intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-low consec-cov-high novel-words-few complex-words-many
len-tk-short len-ch-medium intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-one hallucination-mixed-types off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-minimal novel-words-most complex-words-some


My SO [20F] will buy me a [20] graphics card for our anniversary, since she knows i'm a university student.

sup4_t0.7 (Preferred)

Found out SO's "nothing" is a new graphic card, and she wants to make me happy by buying it for me. Need help convincing her to choose something else.

len-tk-short len-ch-short fluency hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-minimal novel-words-some complex-words-many
len-tk-medium len-ch-long style-aligned intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-low novel-words-many complex-words-some


My employer processed my time-sheets late because of their Christmas break. Now I'm not getting payed for the hours that I worked for two weeks. What can I do to remedy this?

sup3 (Preferred)

My employer processed my time-sheets late because of their Christmas break. Now I'm not getting payed for the hours that I worked for two more weeks.

len-tk-long len-ch-xlong style-aligned intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-medium consec-cov-high novel-words-few complex-words-few
len-tk-medium len-ch-long style-aligned intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-low consec-cov-high novel-words-few complex-words-few

ref (Preferred)

Relationship of 5 years. I'm conflicted as to whether I should abandon my family again to live 250 miles away with my SO, and near his family.


life is hard in long distance relationship, am I being selfish for wanting to move near my SO's family?

len-tk-medium len-ch-long intent-aligned fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-two hallucination-mixed-types off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-minimal novel-words-some complex-words-few
len-tk-short len-ch-short fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-one hallucination-mixed-types off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-minimal novel-words-few complex-words-some

sup4_6b (Preferred)

I pay rent for an apartment that I do not live in, roommate has a key, can I call the cops on her for breaking and entering?


I(F, 21) have roommate(F, 22) legal/police questions.

len-tk-short len-ch-medium fluency unambiguous hallucination-fact-one hallucination-mixed-types off-topic-none src-cov-high consec-cov-high novel-words-few complex-words-some
len-tk-short len-ch-short intent-aligned fluency hallucination-fact-none off-topic-none src-cov-minimal consec-cov-high novel-words-few complex-words-most